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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Veterinary Laboratory Network in Assam

  • Name of the Laboratories

    State level Laboratories

    1.       Animal Health Centre, Khanapra  and NERDDL (Regional Referral Laboratory for NE region)
    2.       Institute of Veterinary Biologicals, Khanapara
    3.       Regional Feed Testing Laboratory, Khanapara

    District laboratories

    1.       Clinical Investigation Unit, Chenikuthi                    2.     Clinical Investigation Unit, Gauripur
    3.       Clinical Investigation Unit, Nagaon                   4.       Clinical Investigation Unit, Jorhat
    5.       Clinical Investigation Unit, Lakhimpur              6.       Clinical Investigation Unit, Tezpur
    7.       Clinical Investigation Unit, Silchar                     8.       Clinical Investigation Unit, Dibrugarh
    9.       District Diagnostic Laboratory,  Goalpara             10.   District Diagnostic Laboratory, Barpeta
    11.   District Diagnostic Laboratory, Nalbari           12.   District Diagnostic Laboratory, Morigaon
    13.   District Diagnostic Laboratory, Golaghat     14.   District Diagnostic Laboratory, Sivasagar
    15.   District Diagnostic Laboratory, Mangaldoi  16.   District Diagnostic Laboratory, Karimganj
    17.  District Diagnostic Laboratory, Udalguri          18.   District Diagnostic Laboratory, Diphu
    19.   District Diagnostic Laboratory, Kokrajhar


    Administrative setup of the laboratories

    Animal Health Centre and North Eastern Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory

    The Animal Health Centre and the North Eastern Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (NERDDL), Khanapara, Guwahati is the referral laboratory for Assam. The NERDDL is established under 100% assistance from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India under the scheme “Animal Disease Management & Regulatory Medicine”. It also serves as the referral laboratory for the whole of North Eastern States including Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura.
    It has mandated activities of
    1.       To serve as Regional Referral Laboratory for economically important livestock diseases (bacterial, viral, parasitic etc.), any drug/pesticide residue & toxicities by providing diagnostic services (both primary and confirmatory) to the States of the region.
    2.       To maintain a data bank on the epidemiology of the economically important diseases of the region and circulate to all the States on a periodic basis.
    3.        Be responsible to collect and transmit all isolates of viral, bacterial and parasitic agents to the National Repository  at National Reference Laboratory.
    4.       To follow the approved standard reagents and techniques for generation of the diagnostic results.
    5.       To train scientists/officers from the State Diagnostic Laboratories of the region in the state of the art technology for diagnosis of animal diseases and provide consultancy and expert services to the    States of the region.
    6.       To undertake identified special programme for disease surveillance/diagnosis as per the direction of Government of India from time to time in view of its epidemiological significance and importance etc.
    7.       To hold Meeting of nodal officers in different states in the region in consultation with respective DAHD (quarterly meeting).
    8.       Any data generated by the RDDL could be published only after prior permission from  Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fishereis, Govt. of India
    It is equipped with
    Trained manpower and specialists

    Modern animal disease diagnostic equipments
    2 BSL-II level labs
    1 Mobile BSL-III lab
    Specialized laboratories for Baceriology, Serology, Virology, Parasitilogy, Pathology and Biochemistry cum Toxicology
    Processing of samples for diagnosis and surveillance of various diseases of the livestock population
    Imparts training to scientists/veterinarians of the whole NE region on regular basis
    Interacts with whole of NE states and Govt. of India regarding diagnosis and control of animal diseases.
    Disease Investigation and suggesting/ implementing control and mitigation measures covering whole of NE region
    Interactin with other NE states in the field of animal health for formulating collaborative approach for animal disease control
    Implementation of special and identified Animal Health activities as per directive of Govt. of India
    Eradication of Disease
    The Rinderpest (RP), historically known as the root cause of several global famines, was eradicated from Assam in 2005.
    Another dreaded disease, the CBPP, which caused death of thousands of cattle in Assam was also eradicated from the state in 2005 (Certification for the same was obtained from the OIE in 2005).
    Contact Address:

    Dr. Dwijendra Nath, Deputy Director
    98640 09605 (M)
    Animal Health Centre
    North Eastern Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
    Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department
    Khanapara, Guwahati-781022
    E-mail: nerddlguwahati@gmail.com
    Institute of Veterinary Biologicals
    This institute carries out activities of animal vaccine production, animal vaccine procurement, distribution and monitoring of vaccination programs. 
    The animal vaccines produced in the institute are:
    1. Haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) vaccine          2. Anthrax spore vaccine            3. Black Quarter (BQ) vaccine
    4. Swine fever Vaccine                                          5. Duck Plague Vaccine             6. Ranikhet Disease vaccine
    Procurement of vaccine is made for
    1. Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccine           2. HS+BQ combined vaccine     3. Goat Pox vaccine
    4. Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) vaccine      5. Brucella vaccine
    Contact address
    Dr. Motiur Rahman
    Institute of Veterinary Biologicals
    Khanapara, Guwahati-22
    email: ivb.khanapara@gmail.com
    Mobile: 8876160429
    Regional Feed Testing Laboratory, Khanapara
    This laboratory deals with testing the quality of different types of animal feed. The facility to determine presence of any harmful agnets or toxins in feed is also available. The laboratory is presently undergoing major repair and modernization process and therefore is temporaritly its services are not available.
    For details contact
    Dr. Nayanjit Deka
    Phone No: 70022 67312
    Regional Feed Testing Laboratory
    Khanapara, Guwahati-22
    Clinical Investigastion Units and District Diagnostic Laboratories
                 There are 19 District Diagnostic Laboratories in 19 districts of Assam. Sixteen laboratories are located in plain districts while 3 laboratories are either in hill district or in BTAD area.
    1.             The district level laboratories carry out activities realted to Disease diagnosis, Outbreak investigation, animal Disease related disaster management, maintenance of location wise disease data etc. More specifically the laboratories are responsible for:
          1.       Providing inputs for prevention of development of anti-microbial resistance thereby protecting human and animal health.
    2.       Maintenance of data for prevalence of animal diseases to provide support in developing targeted approach of animal disease control
    3.       Provide diagnosis of animal diseases to enable quick controlling of infectious/ contagious diseases before it gets chance of spread.
    4.       Helping formulation of HACCP protocols for safe food production thereby contributing to public health 
    6.       Laboratoriy data are essential for export trade
    7.       Help in restricted use of drugs in animals by advising use of the targeted prophylactic/ curative drugs for treatment of animals and thereby help in reduction of drug residues in animal tissues/ products
    8.       Can act as sentinel for ingress of any novel diseases