A mega mission, the Chief Minister Samagra Gramya Unnayan Yojana (CMSGUY) has been launched during 2016-17 for the overall development of the rural areas of the state and to double the farm income in Assam by 2021-22 coinciding with 75 years of India’s Independence. The Assam Milk, Meat and Egg Mission is an important project under this, to be undertaken by the Directorate of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary. It will be supervised by the Assam Milk, Meat and Egg Society for Chief Minister Samagra Gramya Unnayan Yojana’ also referred as Assam Milk, Meat & Egg Mission society (AMMEMS-CMSGUY).
- -To make Assam self-sufficient in milk production
-Development of dairies
-To make the state surplus in pig production with an objective to export to other states
-To compensate the supply of goats (or chevon/ goat meat) required for the state
-Minimize the gap between demand and production of eggs in the state
-Capacity building for income and employment generation
We will do this by:
- Focused interventions in critical areas required by the rural dairy farmers of Assam by organizing and strengthening the existing and new dairy groups such as Dairy Cooperative Societies (DCS), Livestock Cooperative Societies (LCS), Self Help Groups (SHGs) etc.
- Location-specific programmes on Pig and Goat development
- Support to individual/SHG for backyard poultry farming
- Support to entrepreneur for establishment of commercial layer farms
- Engage efficient manpower, provide technical support, supply of necessary data and guidance to the Block Mission/Village level team
- Establishment of market linkages/mechanisms inside and outside the state to market the produce of various stakeholders
Whom to Contact
Dr Kankan Kalita
Coordinator, NLM & AMMEMS
Officers' Training Institute
Khanapara, Guwahati - 22
Phone: 9864033059
You can download the MoA and Rules & Regulations for the Assam Milk, Meat and Egg Mission Society here: