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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Apply to be a AI Worker (Gopal Mitra)


  • To increase AI coverage, educated and unemployed persons are trained by ALDA as private AI workers or Gopal Mitras
  • Application can be submitted in plain paper in nearest veterinary centre.


The number of Government AI centers are not sufficient to cover the entire population especially those farmers residing outside the serviceable area of these centers. On the other hand, Artificial Insemination (AI) programme demands 24-hour service accessibility to AI centers.

To increase the coverage, the veterinary department is outsourcing AI activity to interested unemployed educated youths from the interior area after training them on AI as per GoI guideline. They are introduced as Private A.I. workers or Gopal Mitras to make breeding inputs available at farmer’s doorstep of all areas.

Process Flow

Selection of the worker based on his eligibility criteria is done and a free-of-cost institutional training is provided for two and a half months in departmental traning centres followed by one and a half month hands-on training under the nearest veterinary doctor before he/she becomes eligible to practise Private AI.

Eligibility Criteria

  • He/She should be willing to be an A.I. worker
  • He/She should have the minimum education of studying till 7 to 8th standard
  • He/she should have an understanding of and a direct link to cattle rearing
  • He/she should be in a area where the minimum cattle population is 2000 to be economically sustainable
  • His/Her operational area should be beyond a radius of 5km from any Government established A.I. Service Centre


There are no fees.

Documents Required

 Proof of Educational Qualification and his biodata.

Important Timeline

Four months training is provided before he/she can be a A.I. Worker

How to apply

Application to be made in plain paper and submitted to the training cell, ALDA through respective District Veterinary Officers.

Type of Service

As of now this is NOT an online service

Whom to Contact

Dr Nilambar Thakuria
Manager, Training and Consultancy
Assam Livestock Development Agency (ALDA)
Khanapara, Guwahati 781022
Phone No.: 94353 76140 (M)


How do I Register as a Co-Operative