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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Apply for Credit Linkage


  • Beneficiaries derive credits from financial banks for self-employment generation and livestock development
  • Training is provided for improved technical skills and farming capabilities
  • Pro-poor development for building the capacity of informal/traditional sector to improve the supply of clean milk 


Credit Linkage is provided to the beneficiaries for self-employment generation and livestock development. The Beneficiaries approach the Agency through NGOs and other organizations and are selected for training based on a minimum criteria. The beneficiaries are given proper training on skill development and technical skill training. After the training is completed, the beneficiaries are provided their respective credit linkage from the financial banks supporting the agency. 

Process Flow

The Application form is processed and analysed by the Veterinary Officer for eligibility matters and then they are selected for training. After the completion of training ,the beneficiaries derive the credit from the banks. 

Eligibility Criteria

The beneficiary should have a land ownership and minimum educational qualifications.



Documents Required

  • Address Proof
  • Photo Identity
  • Land availability certificate
  • Bank account details

Important Timeline

The credit is generally provided within 3 months of training. 

How to apply

The filled Application form should be submitted to ALPCo.

Type of Service

Offline Service

Forms to be filled

Application form for Credit Linkage

Whom to Contact

Dr. Punananda Konwar
General Manager
Pashudhan Bhawan
Assam Livestock & Poultry Corporation Ltd.
Rupkonwar Jyoti Prashad Agarwala Road
Juripar, Guwahati-781037
Phone No.: 91010 04323

How do I Register as a Co-Operative