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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

IVB (Institute Of Veterinary Biologicals)


  • The Institute:

The prestigious Institute of Veterinary Biologicals (IVB) presently located at Khanapara, Guwahati-22, was established in the year 1950-51 to produce goat tissue vaccine (wet type) against rinderpest or cattle plague under the Rinderpest Eradication Programme at Chenikuthi, Guwahati. In 1966-67, the institute was shifted to Khanapara under a scheme titled “Expansion of Biological Production Section” for large-scale vaccine production. Later in 1970, IVB produced freeze-dried Rinderpest, Lapinized Classical Swine Fever C-strain, and other Viral and Bacterial vaccines against livestock and poultry diseases. During the 5th and 6th five-year plan, IVB was raised to regional status through financial assistance from the North Eastern Council (NEC). This institute is the only vaccine-producing centre in the North Eastern region (NER). At present, IVB is producing viral vaccines against Duck Plague, Ranikhet disease (F and R2B), and Fowl pox of poultry as well as bacterial vaccines against Haemorrhagic Septicaemia, Black Quarter, Anthrax, and Enterotoxaemia of cattle and goats respectively. The institute is also supplying the vaccines to other states like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Jammu & Kashmir, Andaman Nicobar Island, and several defence organizations.

Aim and Objective:

* To produce quality vaccines against the livestock and poultry diseases commonly prevalent in the NER.

To provide sufficient confidence to the breeder of the region to adopt animal husbandry as an industry for their economic upliftment with appropriate health coverage.

To keep coordinate with various research laboratories and organizations for recent developments in vaccine production technology.

To introduce new vaccines in the Veterinary field from the laboratory.

To introduce providing antigens for diagnostic purposes, and develop technologies for upscaling vaccine production.


The institute has three main divisions, namely:

  1. Bacterial Vaccine Production Division
  2. Viral Vaccine Production Division
  3. Quality Control Division

The Vaccine Production Division is meant for the production of various veterinary biologicals (viral and bacterial) for livestock and poultry, in quantities sufficient for the farming community of the region.

Whereas, the Quality Control Division is meant for the Quality Control of various biologicals manufactured by this institute, and each batch of the vaccine produced is subjected to satisfactory, sterility/safety/potency tests before the said batch of the vaccine is released for its field use.

To know more contact:
Dr. Motiur Rahman, Joint Director
Phone No: 88761 60429 (M)
Institute of Veterinary Biologicals, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary
Khanapara, Guwahati 22


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