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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Assam Livestock Development Agency (ALDA)

The Assam Livestock Development Agency (ALDA) is a state implementing agengy (SIA) of the National Project for Bovine Breeding (NPBB). The main objective is restructuring of breeding operations to improve the quality of breeding services and to cover entire breedable animals of Assam under the Artificial Insemination programme.


  • Strengthen and streamline the existing Frozen Semen & Liquid Nitrogen distribution network
  • To expand the state cattle breeding network for increased coverage of A.I.


  • Cattle Breeding network in Assam was strengthened with introduction of AI in 300  centers. The coverage was increased from 4% to 9% in 2004-05 to 2014-15.
  • Establishment of a state-of-the-art Frozen Semen Bull Station (FSBS) at Barapetta with initial capacity of 5.00 lakh of pure Jersey and HF frozen semen doses  production per year. (Accredited with A Grade).
  • Liquid nitrogen and frozen semen distribution network strengthened and expanded from 7 FSBs covering 15 districts in 2004-05 to 15 FSBs covering all 27 districts in 2015-16.
  • Capacity building of departmental AI workers for improved scientific service delivery to farmer.
  • Organization of public awareness on AI programme.
  • Launch of programme for local Swamp Buffalo improvement and conservation at Barhampur.
  • Initiation of the Livestock Insurance Programme in the year 2006-07 by ALDA in 6 districts. Till April 2017, 150254 numbers of animals have been insured and 4573 numbers of claims settled.
  • Initiation of AI of goat to reach out to the marginal farmers in collaboration with Assam Agricultural University.

Contact Details

Dr. Monideep Das, Chief Executive Officer

Assam Livestock Development Agency
Phone No.: 98643 50438