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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Handbook/Published Items

The different published items under the A.H. & Veterinary Department will apear here.

Booklet on African Swine Fever (ASF)1.13 MBswf-image
AI (কৃত্রিম প্রজনন ১)1.46 MBswf-image
AI (কৃত্রিম প্রজনন ২)1.85 MBswf-image
Piggery Farming (গাহৰি পালন ১)1.62 MBswf-image
Piggery Farming (গাহৰি পালন ২)1.32 MBswf-image
Veterinary Handbook4.8 MBswf-image
Dairy Handbook1.77 MBswf-image
SIRE DIRECTORY, FSBS 2021-20222.61 MBswf-image
SIRE DIRECTORY, FSBS 2022-20233.56 MBswf-image
INSIGHT 4th Issue1.12 MBswf-image
Published Items