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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana

  • Concerned by the slow growth in the Agriculture and allied sectors, the National Development Council (NDC), in its meeting held on 29th May, 2007 resolved that a special Additional Central Assistance Scheme (RKVY) be launched. The NDC resolved that agricultural development strategies must be reoriented to meet the needs of farmers and called upon the Central and State governments to evolve a strategy to rejuvenate agriculture. The NDC reaffirmed its commitment to achieve 4 per cent annual growth in the agricultural sector during the 11th plan. 

    The Department of Agriculture, in compliance of the above resolution and in consultation with the Planning Commission, has prepared the guidelines for the RKVY scheme.

    For further reading please download the attached files.

    Whom to Contact

    Dr. Hriday Talukdar
    Phone No: 94351 93799
    Nodal Officer (RKVY)
    Directorate of AH & Vety
    Chenikuthi, Guwahati-3
    RKVY- background & objective34.74 KBswf-image
    RKVY- activities501.82 KBswf-image
    RKVY- success story2.41 MBswf-image