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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Success Stories
Fodder Cultivation

Bichitra Barthakur, Dergaon

Sri Bichitra Barthakur

Vill.& P.O.: Dergaon, District: Golaghat, State: Assam

Sri Bichitra Barthakur was selected by DLMC, Golaghat for cultivation of Oat Grass. He has a Dairy farm with 14 milch cows  in  his  own  land. He got  13 kgs Oat seed, 12 kgs Urea and 2 kgs Zing Sulphate from A. H. & Veterinary Department, Assam under RKVY 2011-12 for cultivation of fodder in 1 bigha of land and produced 42 quintals of green grass. The production of fodder has greatly helped him in rearing his cows and increasing his milk production. It has also attracted a large number of local youth who became interested in taking up cattle rearing for self employment. He now produces on an average 60 Ltrs of milk daily. The dairy farm is the only earning source of Sri Barthakur.