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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Success Stories
Fodder Cultivation

Rajiv Chaudhury, Hajo

Sri Rajib Chaudhury

Vill: Hajo Chakamtali, P.O.: Hajo, District: Kamrup, State: Assam

The District Level Monitoring Comittee, Kamrup selected Shri Rajib Chaudhury, as a beneficiary under RKVY scheme 2011-12. He started Dairy and Horticulture farming in his own land. He got 13 kgs Oat seed, 12 kgs Urea and 2 kgs Zing Sulphate from Department of AH & Veterinary Department, Assam for cultivation of fodder in 1 bigha of land. But acquiring knowledge and experience from cultivation of Oat grass in previous years, he cultivated another 6 bighas of land by collecting Oat seeds from other sources. Thus he cultivated in total 7 bighas of land and produced total 276 quintals of green grass. The production of fodder in his fodder plot has greatly contributed to his milk production which is his main business. Good impact on neighbouring farmers has been made by the success of Mr. Rajib Chaudhury.